“No matter what you’ve done
You can’t erase His love
Nothing can change it
You’re not separated
No matter what
If you are an addict or you have a loved one who is one let them know no matter what they’ve done, they are loved and accepted by God. I know some addicts who have done desperate things to get their drugs, things they deem unforgivable, but it will NEVER be true with God. Everyone may desert them or abandon them because of their actions, but God will not. He takes the worst of the worst and loves them right where they are. Because of His great love, Stevenson’s lyrics ring true:
“There’s never been a better time to get honest
There’s never been a better time to get clean
So come as you are
Run to the cross and be free
Oh, be free.”
It is time to get clean. It is time to help your loved one get clean. I believe once you become an addict, is no longer a choice. It becomes a brain disease. However, I firmly believe an addict can make a choice to take just one step toward the cross. God will meet them where they are at. I saw it with my son. Once he made the decision to run toward God instead of away from Him, everything began to change. I can see the beautiful picture of it in my mind. God’s arms of love wrapped around the addict in a loving embrace. From then on, the journey toward wholeness is not taken alone. I can hear God saying what Stevenson says in his lyrics, “You’re still a daughter. You’re still a son. No matter what.” So make a choice to get clean today.
If you would like to hear Ryan Stevenson's song, click the link below.